Thursday, February 3, 2011

New little Guy

I thought I should post and update on the new little guy. I can't believe he will be joining us so soon. We are ready to meet him, but I still have a few things to get done before he gets here.

We had an ultrasound a few weeks ago to make sure everything was going well and in order so, we can try for normal delivery. Everything looked great. He even looked like he had little chubby cheeks. It is always amazing to see them and we are just in awe of the details you can see.

He is weighing at about 5 pounds and measuring a little over two weeks ahead so, we will see how big he really is when he gets here.

Here are some pictures from the day. Hopefully, the next pictures we have made will be after he is born.


So recently I have been trying to get a few things knitted, smocked, and quilted for the new little guy and a few for Henry. It is nice to see these projects come together, but what has been even more fun is the interest Henry has taken in it all.

He insists on joining in on the crafting. If I am smocking he gets his on smocking supplies out. He has a piece of pleated material and a threaded needle. He will sit right by me and poke the needle through the fabric randomly and often unthreads the needle.
The same goes for knitting and he loves having his own knitting needles and ball of yarn. I put a few loops of the needle for him and he moves them back and forth. mostly he play with the ball of yarn and pretends to wrap the yarn on the needle.
He tries to mimic the process I am doing and pays very close attention to the details it is really quite amazing how observant he is with processes. He sure has a lot of fun even if he does not quite get all the steps; before long he will have it all figured out.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


It was a beautiful day for sledding today so, we headed out to one of the two hills in town to enjoy. We went early so, we were the only ones there, which is very nice.

Henry had a great time and just requested more and more. He road down with Daniel at first and then he started to go on his own. He just smiled and laughed with all the fun.

He even got his Mimi and Gdada to go down the hill once too! It was quite a treat for everyone.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Crash, Bang, Boom

Searching for a tree

Monday was a little more of an adventure for us than originally planned. We headed out to the tree farm Monday afternoon to get a Christmas tree. After a good bit of looking in the snow, we selected a nice bushy tree to take home with us. It is quit heavy, but very pretty and Henry loves it.
Our tree in the 'wild'

After carefully securing the tree to the roof of the car, we headed home. Daniel was driving very carefully to make sure the tree did not slide off and because the roads were slick. Well, less than three miles from the house we stopped at the stop sign, Daniel quickly reached up to check that the tree was still there and all was well. Then he was preparing to go through the intersection, when there was a loud boom and a jolt to our car. No the tree had not fallen in fact it was quite in tact on top of the car. However, we were rear-ended by a lady that lost control of her car on the ice.
Our car

It was quite an impact, but fortunately no one was seriously injured. Henry was strapped in his sit and both Daniel and I were wearing our seat belts. Her car was badly damaged and most likely totally. Our car fared better and is fixable. We spent four hours in labor and delivery, no not having a baby, but being monitored. All is well with the baby and there does not appear to be any damage to the placenta or any other concerns. Today, we are all quite sore and well be visiting the chiropractor for the next few weeks.

The other car

Now, the fun begins with getting back in good health and dealing with the insurance company on the repairs, rental car, new car seat, and medical expenses. However, it should be pretty easy since we both have State Farm and her insurance should cover it all.

He is famous again...

Well, Henry loves to shovel snow and we landed to about 3 more inches of snow on Sunday after our trip to Alabama. Henry and Daniel headed out to clean off our driveway and walkways Monday morning. As they were finishing shoveling, a lady from the News Gazette spotted them and stopped to take a photo. This is Henry's second photo in our local paper in the last couple of months, this time it is in color.

The last time was black and white one shown below.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa Claus

Henry has been quite apprehensive of the Santa Claus at the local mall. We have walked by and looked at Santa the last couple of weeks at the indoor market. At first, he needed to be convinced to get within 20ft of him. The next week, he was willing to stand closer and watch Santa sit in his chair. Each week he has gotten a little closer. Finally, last week his friend Wren offered to walk up with him. With the extra help, he made it to see Santa up close.
He refused at multiple steps, pausing at the ramp until Wren pulled him forward. He really wanted his candy cane.

After getting his candy cane, he pulled back a little bit.

I asked him to stand for a picture and he stood far away, and then with a little time and convincing he moved closer to Wren.

The two of them posed for a nice picture before they left Santa.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Henry got his very first haircut today! He was a little hesitate at first. Well, actually he just said , "NO" and acted shy. After a little time he did sit in the little chair and did very well. He wanted me to hold his hand though. The stylist was very sweet and patient and she sat on the floor and cut his hair. It looks a little more like a little boy, but is not a huge change.

Here he is before and after. I think he is just as cute!